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Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Course

13. April 2024

Welcome to this two-day Alchemy Sound Training with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (with the crystal singing bowls from Crystal Tones)

We vibrate, the universe is energy, vibration and frequency.

This training weekend is designed to introduce you to the world and knowledge of Alchemy Crystal Signing Bowls and the multi-layered levels of Sound Healing on an energetic, theoretical, spiritual and practical level.

You will connect to your own frequency, learn to perceive your own sound, change your vibration, learn to play the Alchemy Bowls, give Sound Baths, use sound for your own meditation practice and integrate it into other healing, coaching or meditation sessions. We will share, play, listen, feel, perceive and learn. This weekend is an immersion into the world of sound healing and the subtle sounds & vibrations of crystal singing bowls. You will learn all the basics to play for yourself or others and get started right away.


This course is for anyone who feels drawn to the magic of sound. For healers, therapists, yogis, mystics, psychologists, philosophers, teachers, students, ... for everyone who is ready to go on an inner journey to their own sound, their own frequency and who wants to open up to the infinite possibilities that sound can give us when we start to perceive the subtleties of frequencies, tune in and pay attention to the subtle nuances of sound, silence and stillness.


  • Introduction, practical exercises and theoretical basics about Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (crystal singing bowls from Crystal Tones) and Sound Healing. A large part of the course consists of exercises and experience, which is why it also takes place in person

  • Basic knowledge to play for yourself or others and get started right away

  • Manual about Sound Healing + Sound Bathing

  • Materials & singing bowls to play and practice with during the course 

  • Sound Healing Level 1 Certificate

Welcome to this two-day Alchemy Sound Training with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (with the crystal singing bowls from Crystal Tones)

We vibrate, the universe is energy, vibration and frequency.

This training weekend is designed to introduce you to the world and knowledge of Alchemy Crystal Signing Bowls and the multi-layered levels of Sound Healing on an energetic, theoretical, spiritual and practical level.

You will connect to your own frequency, learn to perceive your own sound, change your vibration, learn to play the Alchemy Bowls, give Sound Baths, use sound for your own meditation practice and integrate it into other healing, coaching or meditation sessions. We will share, play, listen, feel, perceive and learn. This weekend is an immersion into the world of sound healing and the subtle sounds & vibrations of crystal singing bowls. You will learn all the basics to play for yourself or others and get started right away.


This course is for anyone who feels drawn to the magic of sound. For healers, therapists, yogis, mystics, psychologists, philosophers, teachers, students, ... for everyone who is ready to go on an inner journey to their own sound, their own frequency and who wants to open up to the infinite possibilities that sound can give us when we start to perceive the subtleties of frequencies, tune in and pay attention to the subtle nuances of sound, silence and stillness.


  • Introduction, practical exercises and theoretical basics about Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (crystal singing bowls from Crystal Tones) and Sound Healing. A large part of the course consists of exercises and experience, which is why it also takes place in person

  • Basic knowledge to play for yourself or others and get started right away

  • Manual about Sound Healing + Sound Bathing

  • Materials & singing bowls to play and practice with during the course 

  • Sound Healing Level 1 Certificate

About Irina

She is a Sound Healer, Reiki Master and Founder of Alchemy Studio in Munich. The Alchemy Studio was born out of the impulse to share Sound Meditation + Sound Baths. We specialise in the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls from Crystal Tones in the USA.

"I can now say that I have a wealth of experience in helping people find their singing bowls and putting together sets of crystal singing bowls, which gives me great pleasure."

We offer sound training and now have a shop in Munich, Cologne and California.

"My aim is to accompany my clients on their journey inwards. Each of us has different experiences, beliefs, traumas and a very individual personality and everyone has the opportunity to shine again in their perfection. Stress-related illnesses, fears and emotional burdens and the associated mental states manifest themselves in the physical body."

About Irina

She is a Sound Healer, Reiki Master and Founder of Alchemy Studio in Munich. The Alchemy Studio was born out of the impulse to share Sound Meditation + Sound Baths. We specialise in the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls from Crystal Tones in the USA.

"I can now say that I have a wealth of experience in helping people find their singing bowls and putting together sets of crystal singing bowls, which gives me great pleasure."

We offer sound training and now have a shop in Munich, Cologne and California.

"My aim is to accompany my clients on their journey inwards. Each of us has different experiences, beliefs, traumas and a very individual personality and everyone has the opportunity to shine again in their perfection. Stress-related illnesses, fears and emotional burdens and the associated mental states manifest themselves in the physical body."