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Essential Oils Workshop

7. July 2023

Create your own fragrance

Are you aware that you are exposed to up to 85,000 different chemicals today that can cause inflammation and hormone imbalances in your body? I wasn't aware of this, so I'll tell you a bit more about it in the workshop.

Learn where you are exposed to toxins and how you can implement natural routines and create a clean living environment to reduce your daily toxin exposure without having to restrict yourself! Learn more about essential oils and how they can further support you on your journey!

And we'll get you started by making your own 100% pure natural perfume that will uplift your body, mind and spirit without harming the environment.

A glass bottle with your own fragrance, eBook & essential oil knowledge are included in the price.

Workshop language: DE/EN

Create your own fragrance

Are you aware that you are exposed to up to 85,000 different chemicals today that can cause inflammation and hormone imbalances in your body? I wasn't aware of this, so I'll tell you a bit more about it in the workshop.

Learn where you are exposed to toxins and how you can implement natural routines and create a clean living environment to reduce your daily toxin exposure without having to restrict yourself! Learn more about essential oils and how they can further support you on your journey!

And we'll get you started by making your own 100% pure natural perfume that will uplift your body, mind and spirit without harming the environment.

A glass bottle with your own fragrance, eBook & essential oil knowledge are included in the price.

Workshop language: DE/EN