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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong

14. January 2023

Saturday, 14.01.2023

15:00 – 19:00

During the workshop, the medical and philosophical foundations of traditional Chinese medicine and the ancient technique of Qi Gong will be explained. Special attention will be given to the concept of Qi, Yin and Yang and the 5 movements.

Led by Giorgio Cappelletto, we will practice the "18 Traditional Chinese Therapeutic Exercises" divided into three sections: Neck and Shoulders; Pelvis and Back; Hips and Legs.

In addition, the Qi Gong of the 5 animals will be practised.

The speaker for Traditional Chinese Medicine is Dr Maurizio Adami. He is a specialist in general medicine, allergy, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

Giorgio Cappelletto will guide you into the world of Qi Gong. He began learning and practising Tai Chi and Qi Gong in New York in 1983. Over the years, Giorgio attended numerous seminars and courses in Europe and perfected the practice. "I practice daily and give weekly classes during the school year from autumn to spring and outdoor classes in the summer."

Saturday, 14.01.2023

15:00 – 19:00

During the workshop, the medical and philosophical foundations of traditional Chinese medicine and the ancient technique of Qi Gong will be explained. Special attention will be given to the concept of Qi, Yin and Yang and the 5 movements.

Led by Giorgio Cappelletto, we will practice the "18 Traditional Chinese Therapeutic Exercises" divided into three sections: Neck and Shoulders; Pelvis and Back; Hips and Legs.

In addition, the Qi Gong of the 5 animals will be practised.

The speaker for Traditional Chinese Medicine is Dr Maurizio Adami. He is a specialist in general medicine, allergy, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

Giorgio Cappelletto will guide you into the world of Qi Gong. He began learning and practising Tai Chi and Qi Gong in New York in 1983. Over the years, Giorgio attended numerous seminars and courses in Europe and perfected the practice. "I practice daily and give weekly classes during the school year from autumn to spring and outdoor classes in the summer."